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元永定正が長年にわたって主宰してきた「グループでないグループ展」が本人の逝去とともに解散した後、有志が集まってその根幹の一つであった「現代アート研究会 MOTONAGA」を再開することになりました。会員であってもあくまで個人の表現活動を尊重するという基本的な考えを踏襲しつつ月に一度の研究会でそれぞれが作品の研鑽を積んでいます。










After Sadamasa Motonaga who directed non-group group for a long time passed away and the group disbanded, some interested members reopened

“the study group of contemporary art Motonaga” which was one of the bases of non-group group. They follow the basic idea that the activity of individual is respected even if they are a member of a group.   They gather to show their works once a month and continue their study.



  Each member’s work is the result of deep consideration and profound in each approach.

As a motto: in Motonaga’s words

“Self-taught is the first rate.”

“Putting all each one’s heart into making works in each one’s own way.”

in whatever genre they continue to create their original works for free expression.


                                                   October 2014

Etsuko Nakatsuji

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