三通 治子
Haruko Mitori
無 題
Not titled
創作のイメージは基本モノクロームの世界が強く、特に黒の色合いの研究にも力を入れ、作風は筆タッチのものから ペインテ ィングで少々色をポイントに加える事により変化をつけ 最近においてはゴールドカラーなどを使用する事により 抽象的技法の研究を試みてもいて
The image of my creation is the monochromatic world. Especially, I havestudied black. My painting style has changed from black touching stroke only to the stroke on the point of which a little bit of color is added. Recently by using gold color I am studying the abstract technique whose completion I cannot still reach.
I showed my works in Italy, New York and Paris in 2014. I studied the trend of abstract painting there. Considering that trend and reflecting Japanese taste I would like to make a progress.
2014 Gallery Collezista 現代美術国際交流展 (ローマ)
Contemporary art international exhibition Rome
2014 The Fountain Art Fair ニューヨーク出展
The Fountain Art Fair New York
2014 BERTIN POIREE 21世紀女性アーティスト展(フランス・パリ)
Women artists exhibition Paris